Nosy Be has some exceptionally active night spots
The principle of night diving is to dive on the same reef, but shortly after sunset, to be able to observe the reef populated by animals that are usually hidden, because they are only active at night. There are two possibilities for this. Dive with a white light, or a blue light to see the fluorescence emitted by animals / vegetals.
"Traditional" night dive, in white light.
Night dives are done shortly after sunset, in the protected area, between Nosy Be and Nosy Sakatia, mainly on Olaf, Anemone, Charlie. There is no need to go deep, the most interesting is to observe on the reef and along the drop off the sleepy species that are active during the day (coral fish, parrots.) the species that come out at night ( crustaceans, shellfish ...), or species that approach the reef during the night (squid, etc.)
Same type of diving as night diving. The difference is that we give you blue lamps and filters to put on the mask. A specific blue light emitting 450 / 470nm, which "excites" all fluorescence colors (blue, yellow, red, orange, green ..) unlike UV light, which "excites" only yellow or green fluorescence. The filter on the mask removes the emitted blue light, so we only see the fluorescence emitted by the animals / vegetals.
Opposite, images of the same subject, in white light and in blue light (fluorescence)